Chapter Nine: Wigging Out
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
May 14, 2020
Dear Diary,
We’ve been at this for nine weeks now and just like it takes 21 days to break a bad habit, it also takes exactly 21 days past the time one would normally get a hair cut for one to take drastic action. While others petition the Supreme Court, my first inclination was to take a DIY approach.
Inspired by my Instagram feed, which had evolved from freshly baked breads and glistening bundt cakes to successful homespun pixie cuts and dye jobs in recent weeks, I decided to unleash my inner José Eber and take the bull by the horns.
I sharpened my best shears, watched 5 minutes of a YouTube on how to cut hair and decided to play it safe by testing out my abilities on Tyler first. The poor lad’s hair was last cut more than three month’s ago, and had transformed from a Bieber-Swoop to a Japanese anime character with such blinding bangs that we hadn’t seen his right eye in over a month.
After several days of pleading with Tyler that I was up to the task, he finally relented and allowed me to do the deed. I was tentative at first and assumed that if I gathered his hair in various sections and trimmed off equivalent amounts of hair, that his previous hairdo would quickly re-emerge. This is pretty much my approach whenever I trim my bangs. While it works reasonably well for my bangs, Tyler quickly lost patience, started to squirm and I gashed my finger as I tried to work faster. Forced to abandon the effort midway, Tyler was left with a very edgy, avant-garde look and the family quickly ruled that I should never attempt said task again.
Meanwhile, my own hair was looking much worse for the wear and I found it increasingly harder to focus during Zoom meetings because all I could see was my awful hair. While bingeing the amazing series Unorthodox on Netflix, the solution came to me. I would buy a wig!
I went on and was quickly overwhelmed by the cornucopia of different shades and styles. After perusing for a few days and enlisting the opinion of my bestie, I decided that I would have some fun and be a redhead for a bit! Hubby says the best part is that he can have a new girlfriend without having to socially distance from her!
p.s.- This is not a sponsored post.
p.p.s - It’s totally ok to laugh at me. (I’m laughing at me and the kids can’t stop mocking me.)