Chapter Twenty-Eight: Vaxxed and More Relaxed
Dear Diary,
I just scheduled my nine year old for her first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine and I could not be more grateful that within the next few weeks, every single member of my family will be immunized against this deadly virus, which has claimed the lives of 902 children in the United States, according to the CDC (as opposed to 0 who have died from the vaccine).
Tyler turned twelve three weeks ago and, as he had been telling people for months, all he wanted for his birthday was to get vaccinated. To be fair, as the date approached, his wishlist expanded to include gifts like a new phone and visa gift cards, but his desire to get vaccinated at the earliest opportunity never waned. So, we took him to our local CVS where he received both his first Pfizer dose and his annual flu shot at the same time. He complained of arm soreness for a couple days and was slightly fatigued, but these inconveniences pale in comparison to the relief that we feel now that he has some measure of protection. Indoor activities, like concerts and movies, which we have foregone for so long, we can soon resume again.