Chapter Thirteen: Summer Plans
Dear Diary,
There are exactly 8,685 minutes remaining until school is out for the summer. In case you were wondering, I was able to calculate this figure in my head in mere seconds thanks to all of the common core math exercises I have been doing as of late.
As you may recall, my reverie over the imminent culmination of my governess duties was recently interrupted by Hubby who gently reminded me that we soon faced three months of no school with no camps lined up.

Chapter Ten and a Half: Summer “Break?”
Dear Diary,
The jacarandas are in bloom throughout Southern California. The first time I ever saw a jacaranda was also the first time I ever visited Los Angeles, sometime back in the mid-nineties. Whizzing around the city (traffic was similar to current lockdown conditions back then), I recall being absolutely enchanted by the technicolor purple trees, which blurred together like an impressionist painting wherever I went.