Chapter Twenty: 2020 IS the Year of the Rat
Dear Diary,
The Governess is back!!!
I know it’s been a while and I apologize for the lapse in my correspondence. If I may, the reason for my prolonged absence was that I didn’t have a lot of good news to report.
To begin with, Mom Camp was an abject failure. Despite my best intentions and advance preparations, Mom Camp lasted about two weeks before we abandoned ship. I’ll chalk it up to my lack of Navy Seal endurance training, which is apparently a prerequisite to keep up with the daily needs of my charges. Whereas I was completely worn out by dinner each night, the children would grow increasingly more alive after the sun went down, almost as if they were feeding on my fatigue. Unable to outlast my wild things, I simply gave up trying to limit their screen-time and resolved to enroll them in military school at the earliest opportunity.