Chapter Thirty: Man Overboard!
7 min read Maya 7 min read Maya

Chapter Thirty: Man Overboard!

Dear Diary,

We recently returned from a family vacation to Hawaii, and while the trip was mostly amazing, we did have one harrowing experience, which I feel compelled to memorialize here as part of our family’s lore.

Our day started off innocently enough. We awoke to another beautiful, sunny-with-temps-in-the-low-’80’s, day in paradise. We overindulged in the breakfast buffet as per usual and then attempted to plan out our day. It was Day 3 of our family vacation, and just like the old adage about fish and houseguests goes, family togetherness was nearing its limit. Amy Beth and Olivia elected to splinter off and go shopping together, while Tyler, Hubby and I settled on kayaking as our activity du jour.

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