Chapter Twenty-Seven: Who Says There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch?
Whoever said there was no such thing as a free lunch did not live in California. Seriously. When I first heard that Governor Gavin Newsom had approved free lunches for 6.1 million students in California due to our budget surplus, it didn’t immediately dawn on me that this was something that could benefit my family. Having only ever sent the children to private schools, in fact, several tony private schools, I became accustomed to paying for every.single.freaking.thing. Snacks, lunches, supplies, books, and, to top it off, $5 tickets to attend your own flesh-and-blood’s holiday performances. These are just a few of the things which private schools have trained me to pay for without questioning.

Chapter Twenty-Six: The Lion’s Gate Portal
Dear Diary,
Oh what joy it is to awaken and learn that I became an aunt whilst I slept! Just like that, I have two perfect babies to love and care for, to hold and snuggle as much as I want, and the whole process could not have been easier for me!

Chapter Twenty-Three: Sliding Doors
Dear Diary,
After twelve years in our family home, we are moving and it feels like an insurmountable task. We’ve been packing for weeks, we’ve donated 31 large bags to Goodwill, and we’ve purged more trash than I care to admit. Despite steadfastly moving boxes over to our new residence on a daily basis, our old house looks like we still live here full-time. At the rate we are going, it is unclear whether or not we will be fully moved before I get the vaccine, and I took an online quiz which says that 78% of Californians and 8 million Angelenos are in line ahead of me. Sometimes I get upset about how slowly both the move and the vaccine rollout are going, but then I remind myself that it is very hard to stay on task during attempted coups d’états and other onslaughts.