Chapter Four: Everything is Cancelled

Image by Deb Longua-Zamero.

Image by Deb Longua-Zamero.

April 4, 2020

Dear Diary,

It is a strange feeling to awake on a day, which you had anticipated for the greater part of a year, and for it to look nothing like you had planned. 

It was another day of home confinement, Diary, as it was for most of the world. But today was supposed to have been entirely different. Today was supposed to have been the culmination of a year’s worth of hard work and planning and was supposed to have been a grand celebration. 

Diary, I do not mean to complain, nor seek any pity, for there is far greater pain and suffering in the world right now, which is far more deserving of such attention. 

There is comfort in knowing that all is not lost, as there will still be a gala in the future when we can all come together, celebrate our community and the end of social distancing!

Today wasn’t as I had planned, but it was a quiet day of reflection and gratitude for just about everything in our life, from the big things like health and safety, to the little things formerly taken for granted, like paper towels and active dry yeast. 

Very truly yours,


Chapter Five: Perhaps this isn’t the worst thing?


Chapter Three: To Hydroxychloroquine, Or Not?