Chapter Three: To Hydroxychloroquine, Or Not?
Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash
April 3, 2020
Dear Diary,
Another week draws to a close. There seems to be some progress in my governess duties as Mistress Olivia has finally accepted that online learning is not optional and that she will indeed need to “do school.”
Diary, I have noticed a perplexing trend in my social media news feed as of late. Several well-meaning friends have been posting about different treatment remedies for COVID-19 and I am not sure what one is supposed to do with this information.
Are these posts intended to ensure that doctors are made aware of these possible treatments during their Facebook breaks on the frontlines?
Or is this information intended for the average citizen? If, god forbid, I catch the virus, should I arrive at the hospital with a pre-preprinted menu from which to order? Should I inform the triage nurse that I will be ordering the anti-malarial with Z-Pack combo to begin, and a Vitamin-C infusion on the side? Or, just go straight to informing them how they can jerry-rig ventilators to accommodate 4 patients with similar breathing capabilities at once? I’ve heard that doctors, unlike other professionals, love to be told how to do their job by someone who doesn’t have a clue.
Thank you for always being my patient sounding board, Diary.
Very truly yours,