Chapter Two: My Kingdom for a Roll of Toilet Paper

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

March 31, 2020

Dear Diary,

I opened my front door this morning to find the most unexpected treasure! It was a sight more giddy-inducing than even the first bloom of our neighborhood’s Jacaranda trees. What was this surprise, you ask? ‘Twas a 12-pack of toilet paper left anonymously on our front porch! Some kind soul must have overheard me lamenting our near-dire toilet paper situation and heroically responded to our plight! I am as touched by their kindness as I am impressed that marauders didn’t steal it off our porch during the night. 

My duties as Governess are calling me away again. 

Very truly yours,


Chapter Three: To Hydroxychloroquine, Or Not?


Chapter One: Quarantine Begins