Chapter Eighteen: This is So Sad.

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Dear Diary,

Am I sad? Maybe I am. Is everyone else feeling like me? 

I was really happy before COVID and the shut down infected our lives, lifestyles and livelihoods. I literally used to drive around with a silly stupid smile on my face. True. Even in a mini-van.

But I am so sad. 

I am so afraid for the world and the world we’ll pass on. I feel the impending doom in my bones.

I have felt it for four years.

I keep waiting for a select few fortunate others to feel it, too. But, they don’t. They dig down. Was I wrong to make them my barometer? 

I am so scared that this will be our legacy. I don’t know how to stop it. How do I stop it? The outcome I wish to avoid is total doom, so the stakes feel really big. 

I am scared. I am lonely and must keep my support circle at bay. I am angry. 

We have 99 days left before we can vote ourselves a brighter future. 

Let’s make a change. This isn’t right. 

Very truly yours,



Chapter Nineteen: Ten Things I (Don’t) Hate About Now


Chapter Seventeen: Co-Parenting During Covid