Chapter Nineteen: Ten Things I (Don’t) Hate About Now
Photo by 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash
August 11, 2020
Dear Diary,
Today marks 150 days since Amy Beth abruptly flew home from college and we began mostly avoiding other humans who are not in our immediate family. The longer this goes on, the more wearying it is on us all. I’m not going to lie. In a misery-loves-company kind of way, I was slightly comforted by the fact that Michelle Obama, one of my heroes, recently disclosed that she too has been suffering from low-grade depression due to the pandemic and racial injustice within our country. I love that she came forward to remind us that “[t]he idea that what this country is going through shouldn’t have any effect on us—that we all should just feel OK all the time—that just doesn’t feel real to me. So I hope you all are allowing yourselves to feel whatever it is you’re feeling.”
Diary, I had completely forgotten what it is like to have an intelligent, compassionate, and empathetic voice addressing the nation during a time of crisis, and so it felt really nice to be reminded of a time when we used to be greater. Hubby wishes Biden could pick her for VP, but, frankly, now that I know that biggest knock on Susan Rice is that she drops a lot of F-bombs, I fucking hope he picks her.
But back to Michelle O. Not only did she break barriers by discussing mental health in the first place, but I also love that she identified the various coping mechanisms she is using to get her through this time, namely, regular exercise, good diet, quality time spent with family and friends, time spent outdoors, and frequent social media breaks.
Thus, in an effort to embrace my inner-Michelle and to remind myself that if you look, there is good in everything, I decided to jot down my top ten favorite ways to beat the pandemic blues.
(1) Designated Survivor
Hubby and I binged this series like no other. Kiefer plays Tom Kirkman, the lone cabinet-member survivor of a terrible bombing of the Capitol Building during the SOTU, which wipes out almost the entire federal government and requires Tom to undertake the monumental task of rebuilding everything, while badass agent Hannah Wells (played by Maggie Q) puts herself in nonstop anxiety-producing situations in her quest to uncover who carried out this evil plot. It is heart-pounding entertainment, and a fascinating exploration of bipartisan politics, and often feels wildly prescient to our current situation. We literally stayed up until 5 am on multiple weeknights because we could not turn it off. Tom Kirkman for President!
(2) Folklore by Taylor Swift
I love this album so much that I cannot stop listening to it, nor can I stop myself from annoying everyone around me by continuously humming or singing random lyrics from it apropos of nothing. At any given moment, I can go from quietly going about my business to suddenly belting out, “there’s nothing like a maaaaaad, woman! Cause you made her like that!” It keeps everyone on their toes.
(3) Swim Workouts
I’ve taken up lap-swimming twice a week and it’s my absolute favorite way to get fit. I’ve lost ten pounds and several seconds off all my lap times. It makes me so happy; I’m convinced that I must have been a dolphin in a past life.
(4) Untamed by Glennon Doyle
I feel like every woman, young and old alike, should read this book. There is a lot of great wisdom contained within it.
(5) Trader Joe’s Jicama Wraps.
This may seem very random, but they are an amazing gluten-free alternative to tortillas and I just love them, as I do everything about Trader Joe’s.
(6) Medium.
If you’re like me and you never heard of Medium before the Great Shutdown, you will be pleased to learn that it’s this awesome place where writers can self-publish and it’s quickly become my new favorite rabbit hole. Shout out to my amazingly talented and super smart friend Laila for introducing me to it! (She made me say that.)
(7) Hot Tub Movies
This requires a lot of furniture, television and ROKU shuffling - as well as a hot tub - but man, it’s so worth it. Speaking of movies, the movie Hamilton on Disney+ is transcendent. Even if you saw the musical live, you should still stream the movie. And, if you’re anything like me, make sure you have plenty of tissues on hand for the second act. Unless you’re in the hot tub.
(8) Sarah Cooper
Comedian Sarah Cooper has a series of TikTok videos in which she impersonates Trump by lip-synching his actual audio from pressers and interviews. They are unbelievably well done and absolutely hilarious. If you haven’t seen one already, you should immediately rectify this travesty. (Just Google her.)
(9) Toto Washlet Toilets
I probably should move this up on this list because they are life-changing and once you have tried one, you can never go back. Especially handy during toilet paper shortages. I will go on record saying that I would forgo jewelry for several anniversaries for one of these puppies.
(10) The Cuomo Brothers
I’ll admit it. I am a Cuomosexual. I never watched these national treasures before this all happened, but man, they sure know how to rile me up. Politically, of course.
Very truly yours,