Chapter Nineteen: Ten Things I (Don’t) Hate About Now
Dear Diary,
Today marks 150 days since Amy Beth abruptly flew home from college and we began mostly avoiding other humans who are not in our immediate family. The longer this goes on, the more wearying it is on us all.

Chapter Sixteen: Socializing Safely?
Dear Diary,
Years ago, before realizing that they were evil data mining scams designed to collect personal information and manipulate political elections, I LOVED to take Facebook quizzes. Why settle for a boring Myers Briggs personality test, when I could take a quiz like “Build a Salad and We'll Guess Your Secret Talent and Dream Job” and have so much more fun while learning about myself!

Chapter Twelve: The Real Virus?
Dear Diary,
I feel as though all the ills of American society are on display.
For a nation founded on ideals of equality, Coronavirus certainly has exposed all the ways in which we aren’t.