Chapter Twenty-Five: Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop
Dear Diary,
Today is Hubby’s and my last day of freedom before we retrieve the children from rehab.
You see, Diary, the children’s device addiction had reached untenable levels and Hubby and I realized that we had to resort to extreme measures to get them back on track. So we sent them into the remote wilderness to spend two weeks device-free, but surrounded by lots of therapeutic distractions like horseback riding, wake boarding, and go-karting. Lest you be unfamiliar with such a place, Diary, other people more commonly refer to it as sleep-away camp.

Chapter Twenty-Two: Is 2020 the year to be (s)elfish?
Dear Diary,
I really screwed up. I had a rare opportunity to drastically improve our lives and I blew it. In a year where literally everything else was cancelled, I had the perfect excuse and I let it pass me by. What was I thinking?

Chapter Twenty-One: Are We Turning Into Data-Eating Zoombies?
Dear Diary,
I am taking advantage of a quiet moment in the house to write to you. As soon as the children wake up, I will be subjected to an incessant barrage of text messages and group FaceTime calls, all from contacts who are unrecognizable to me, but who manage to freeze all my devices nonetheless. You see, the children and I all share the same Apple ID, which means we all receive each other’s text messages and telephone calls. Not only do the children have far more friends than I, but